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How to Cite an Interview in APA Style 7th Edition & Citation Examples

how to cite an interview apa
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Academic writing requires proper citation of sources, and interviews can be a valuable addition to your research paper or essay. However, referencing interviews in APA can be confusing, especially if you are not familiar with the latest 7th edition guidelines. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about APA interview citation. We will cover three important areas: things to know before citing a dialogue, how to cite an interview in APA style and frequently asked questions on this type of referencing. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to properly cite interviews in your academic work. This blog will be helpful to you. So, get ready to take some notes and become an expert APA paper writer!

Things to Know Before Citing an Interview in APA

When citing an interview in APA format, there are several things to keep in mind. Firstly, it's important to distinguish between different types, including personal, published, and broadcast interviews. Each of them requires a specific APA interview format.

  • Personal talks are considered "personal communication" and are not included in the reference list. Instead, they are only mentioned in the text itself and citation includes the name of the person from the interview you conducted and date of the session.
  • Published interviews, on the other hand, should be cited as a book chapter or journal article and must be included in the reference list.
  • Similarly to published ones, broadcast dialogues should be cited as a television or radio program and should be put inside the citation list.

Also, don't forget about the right capitalization. For fast conversion, you can use Case Converter.

How to Cite an Interview You Conducted in APA

According to APA style format, an interview you conducted should be referenced differently depending on transcript availability. If it is included as an appendix inside your paper, you should simply refer to the appendix in the main text of your work. If a transcript is not included, you can provide a brief summary of dialogue inside your paper and then cite it inside the reference list as a personal communication. You should reference such interviews in APA in the text using the person's name, the words "personal communication," the date of the dialogue, and the year.

Citing an Interview With a Transcript

When you cite an interview in APA references with a transcript, there is no need to include it in a reference list. Instead, you should first announce to a reader that you will be providing an entire interview and then include the whole transcript inside your paper’s body. When doing so, quotation marks are not required but remember to set a ½ inch margin for a block of text containing a transcript. Here is an example: 

Interview with John Smith, a social worker at XYZ Hospital, conducted on May 15, 2019:

    Doe: What is the main thing you enjoy in your current healthcare setting?

    Smith: ….

How to Cite a Personal Interview in APA

Personal dialogues refer to conversations that you have with an individual in order to gather information for your research. Personal interviews in APA can provide valuable insight and context to your work, but they are not considered recoverable data and, thus, are not listed inside a reference list. Instead, only an in-text citation is needed to acknowledge the source of information. 

APA: Citing a Personal Interview

General In-Text Format

(Interviewee's Last Name, personal communication, Date)

In-Text Citation

(White, personal communication, March 10, 2022)

For example: "According to Dr. White (personal communication, March 10, 2022), the impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern."

In this sentence, APA in text citation provides enough information for readers to understand that quote is from a personal talk and who the interviewee was. When citing a personal interview in APA, also remember that by including the date of conducting the dialogue, you provide a clear point of reference for any follow-up questions or clarifications that may be further required.

How to Cite a Published Interview in APA

When you cite a published interview in APA, it is important to accurately reference the source of information inside your paper. Unlike personal interviews, they are considered recoverable data and should be included in a reference list. In APA format, citation entry for a published interview should include the following information:

  • Interviewer's Last Name, Initials
  • Year of Publication
  • Title
  • Publication Title
  • Volume number (issue number)
  • Location where the quote was taken from (page number/ paragraph number/ timestamp).

The general format for APA in-text citation for a published interview is as follows:

(Interviewer's Last Name, Year of Publication, Location)

For example:

(Smith, 2021, para. 10)

While quoting and referencing, it is also important to clearly indicate who exactly (interviewer or interviewee) said what.

❌ An example of a wrong citation might be:

According to Smith (2021), impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern.

From this citation, it is not obvious who actually made statement about social media and mental health.

A correct citation would be:

Dr. Jones, a leading expert in the field, stated in a talk with Smith (2021) that "the impact of social media on mental health is a growing concern".

˃˃ Read more: How to Cite a Direct Quote APA

APA Citation for Interview Published in Newspaper

In APA, to cite an interview found in a newspaper, you should follow the format provided in the table below.

Newspaper Interview APA Citation: General Format

Reference Entry

Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title. Title of Newspaper. URL

In-Text Citation

(Author Last Name, Year)

the URL is only required for online newspapers. In case you are citing an interview for a newspaper in print, do not use a URL. 

Please check the sample to understand how to put your references and in-text citations for interview in APA. Or you can always pay people to do your homework and avoid any possible trouble. 

Citing a Newspaper Interview in APA: Example

Reference Entry

Cannariato, N. (2023, March 21). The Problem With Celebrity Travel Shows? The Celebrities. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/21/magazine/travel-show-celebrities

In-Text Citation

(Cannariato, 2022)

˃˃ Read more: How to Cite a Newspaper Article APA

Citing an Interview From a Podcast in APA

To cite a podcast interview in APA style, you need to provide information about a person who conducted the session, a person who was interviewed, title of the podcast episode, date and URL of this episode. Here is a general format for citing a dialogue from a podcast in APA style:

APA Citation for a Podcast Interview: General Format

Reference Entry

Interviewer's Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of Podcast Episode [Audio podcast episode]. In Podcast Name. URL

In-Text Citation

(Interviewer's Last Name, Year)

Here is an example of how to cite a talk from a podcast in APA style:

Citing Podcast Interviews in APA: Example

Reference Entry

Johnson, J. (2021, January 10). Introduction to the History of Podcasting [audio podcast episode]. In The History of Podcasting. https://www.historyofpodcasting.com/episodes/episode1

In-Text Citation

(Johnson, 2021)

You may also need to cite different lectures in your paper. That’s why we prepared a separate blog on APA lecture citation to help students do it right.

Citing YouTube Interviews In APA

When citing a dialogue that you watched on YouTube, the person or organization that uploaded the video should be listed as the author, not the person(s) conducting the session. The basic formatting style to reference a YouTube interview in APA is provided below.

YouTube Interview Citation APA: General Format

Reference Entry

Author, First Initial. (Year, Month Day of Upload). Title [Video]. URL

In-Text Citation

(Author, Year)

Here is an example:

Citing a YouTube Interview in APA: Example

Reference Entry

CNN. (2021, January 5). Interview with Mark Zuckerberg [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1234567890

In-Text Citation

(CNN, 2021)

˃˃ Read more: How to Cite a Youtube Video APA

Bottom Line on How to Cite an Interview APA

This article provided a comprehensive guide on how to cite interviews in APA style in a reference list and in text. It covered important things to know before citing a talk session, such as the different types of interviews and their respective formats. It also provided clear guidelines on how to cite personal, published, and newspaper interviews and examples of APA interview citations. The article emphasizes the importance of properly quoting dialogues in academic work to make sure it is accurate and properly cited. Properly referencing dialogues in APA not only gives credit to the original sources but also adds credibility and authority to your research. With guidelines provided here, you can now confidently cite dialogues inside your academic work in strict accordance with APA style. All the best!

With our guidelines on how to cite an interview Chicago, MLA interview citation, or Harvard styles, you can write your citations quickly and easily.

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Article posted on:Mar 22, 2023
Article updated on:Nov 18, 2023


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