Quite often, citing interviews is required when one decides to add information from an interview to an academic paper. In this case, sometimes you will need to cite interview Chicago. This format is perfectly suited for references to information that an author has conducted personally or taken from third-party sources.
Anyway, it is important to take interview status (published or not) into account, as well as to work out proper quotes and references. Experienced authors are well-aware of this, but we will provide clear details on how to quote it in Chicago format.
How to Cite a Published Interview: Chicago Style
In most cases, people ask how to cite a published interview in Chicago style when an educational institution or teachers require this very citation format. If interviews are published or available in printed or electronic sources, they should be cited accordingly.
You should mention who was questioned, where you found this source, as well as when it was published. Besides, it is important to properly present your citations since readers should clearly understand how you received information. You should also keep in mind that published interviews are collected in your Chicago annotated bibliography, where you can find and read them.
If you want to know how to cite a lecture Chicago, read one more blog we have at this platform.
How to Cite a Video Interview: Chicago Style
Citing a video interview Chicago is easy if you know basic rules. You may need this knowledge if you use some video source with a conversation with some expert or a research object. First, let’s discuss a format that enables you to include a video in your bibliography.
For this, you should use this format: last and first name of an interviewee, video title, last and first name of the journalist, month, day and year, quote timestamp in a video, and URL where it is located.
This is how your citation may look.

You can also draw a video interview as a full-fledged note if you need to put some reference at the bottom of the page where you mention it. In this case, you should successively put last and first name of the interviewee, video title, last and first name of the journalist, publication date, video duration or quote timestamp, and URL address.
Here is formula and example of full note citation:

The easiest way is to cite a video interview as a short note – in this case, you should only put the last and first name of the interviewee, video title, and quote beginning time. Keep in mind that when the last and first name are included in your video title, you don’t have to mention them separately.
This is how short note citation looks:

How to Cite a Phone Interview: Chicago Style
Chicago citation phone interview style is usually used when some conversation has been conducted and recorded in private or via streaming services. You can put these two types in your bibliography and in your notes, with this format being slightly different regarding some data added.
Unlike the general formula below, in this case, you should mention an interview type. In this case it is going to be “phone conversation with author” words and the date of the communication.
Let’s look at this format:

You can also draw a phone interview as a full-fledged note if you need to put some reference at the bottom of the page where you mention it. Just include first and last name, describe what type of interview it is and a date when the interview was conducted.
Here is how full note looks in formula and example:

The short note contains less information and is usually put either in references or directly in the text after the quote is used. This citation format is as follows: interviewee name, abbreviated program name, and date.
Let’s look at this formula and example of a phone interview for short note citation:

How to Cite a Published Interview in a Book Chicago
You can compile an excellent academic paper using monographs and scientific books. Citing an interview in a book Chicago style is also not very difficult if you know the rules. There is quite much information since you need to specify where quotes appear and specify the publication data. You need to include such quotes in your bibliography or put them in a short note format.
To put them in a bibliographic list, put the last and first name of this author, same data for an interviewee, book title, and other information about this publication.
Let’s look at this formula:

A full note citation will not be much different.

A short note requires a more democratic approach because it is compiled in this citation format. Put the first and last name of an author, book title, as well as place and year of publication.
Here is an example and a formula for a short note.

How to Cite an Interview in a Journal: Chicago
If, when writing your paper, you refer to professional literature as some serious source of information, you should cite an interview from a journal in Chicago properly. So it is important to specify from which exact work this particular quote has been taken. Also, you should include either DOI or URL in your citation if it's an electronic journal article.

When it comes to full notes, this format is similar. That is, you specify the same data as required for your bibliography. The only difference is in the name and punctuation.
Here is an example and a formula:

For your short quote, put the last name of an interviewee, the short title of an article, and the page with the quote.
Let’s take a look at a short note formula:

Chicago Style: Magazine Interview
If you need to Chicago cite interview from journalistic sources, then read the basic rules we provided. You will need to specify the publication title, information about the interviewed person, and conversation date. In fact, the format is standard; for example, for your bibliography as well as your full note, you should use the pattern below and include DOI or URl if it is an electronic article.
Here is an example of a formula for bibliography:

A full note citation will look pretty similar to bibliography format, but with a little difference in a name and punctuation.
Here is a formula and example:

A short note is compiled much easier – you only need to put the name of an interlocutor, the short title of a particular article, and page numbers.
Let’s take a look at the formula and example:

How to Cite an Unpublished Interview: Chicago
Quite often, you will have to turn to sources that have rather limited coverage. Then, you will have to use the Chicago citation unpublished interview. It is clear that the content will not be publicly available. You can include only important data, with information about the person. Cite unpublished personal interviews in the text or in notes. Do not include unpublished personal interview citations in the bibliography.
Here is how formula and example may look for a full note:

A short note includes only an interlocutor’s name and an interview ID.
Here is how to use a short note:

How to Cite a Personal Interview Chicago
Chicago style citation personal interview results from some personal conversation that is not published in books, magazines, or on the Internet. Usually, they are not included in bibliographies. So they contain a minimum set of information. For example, the full note format should include the last and first name of a questioned person. It should also contain the first and last name of an examiner. Don’t forget to add an interview type, conversation date and place.
Let’s look at the example of a formula:

A short note requires a much smaller data amount. It includes the interlocutor's name and source type.
Here is the formula and the example:

Cite an Interview Chicago: Bottom Line
When using different sources for compiling some academic paper, you should know how to cite an interview in Chicago style. Interviews may be published in books and magazines. They can also be published on the Internet, or result from the author's personal work. Anyway, you should include information about a conducted discussion. And do it properly!

Are you at a loss when writing a paper, citing, or dealing with formatting? Feel free to contact our service. StudyCrumb offers services provided by experienced paper writers. They have successfully written hundreds of papers as well as perfectly versed in standards, and would love to help you, too.
FAQ about How to Cite an Interview in Chicago Style
1. How to cite an anonymous source from an interview in Chicago?
Many authors ask how to cite an interview in Chicago style. Especially if a person did not wish to be identified. In this case, an examiner may not specify some source. But you should explain in your paper why it remained anonymous. Also explain why it is important.
2. How do you cite an oral history in Chicago?
The problem of how to cite an interview in Chicago, if it is some oral conversation that has been conducted, is quite a common one. In this case, you should put the information in this format: names of both interlocutor and reporter, conversation date and place, content form (a disk, magnetic tape, audio cassette, transcript, and others), as well as a place of the physical content storage. It is also a good idea to add a transcript of a conversation part that was used.
3. How do you cite an email in Chicago style?
Electronic correspondence is a type of private communication. But you won’t have difficulties when using the Chicago style. This format is used: the first and last names of sender and recipient, as well as the date. Add contact email address only after its owner’s consent.
4. How do you footnote an interview in Chicago?
Usually, people ask how to cite an interview in chicago footnote, when some quote is not included in the bibliography. By using an identifying footnote, you provide a transcript of content, making it possible for readers to quickly understand where cited information came from. In a footnote, you should specify an interlocutor's first and last name, the same data for an author, conversation date, and place where this transcript or record is stored (it can be a URL address).
Emma Flores knows all about formatting standards. She shares with StudyCrumb readers tips on creating academic papers that will meet high-quality standards.
You need to provide all necessary details so the reader can find the physical source. Here are the things you should mention while citing an oral history review in Chicago: narrator's name, interviewer's full name, date of interview, interview material (compact disc), and physical location of material. For example: Greene, William. Interview by Jane Doe. November 22, 2015, in Austin, Texas. Compact disc. Institute for Historical Studies, The University of Texas, Austin, TX.