This article will shed more light on the basics of a research statement, its purpose and how you can create it. A brief step by step guide on writing robust issue descriptions will be provided below. Stay with us and you will get prepared for conducting your own research! Also, you can check out paper writing service by StudyCrumb to get proficient help with this important task.
What Is a Problem Statement?
A problem statement provides an effective definition of an issue that you must examine in your work. It also servers the following purposes:
- Put an issue into a context.
- Explain the relevance of an issue and why you have chosen it for your project.
- Define objectives of your research. You should specify main steps you're planning on in order to can solve it.
At the same time, your problem statement should not be too wordy. It should contain only relevant details. It should be direct when describing all things mentioned above.
Why Problem Statement Is Important in Research?
Role of the problem statement in a research paper lies in creating a solid, well-organized basis for your study. It is an essential step in understanding the significance of an issue and finding effective solutions. This is why you should write a strong approach to an issue before planning your research steps. It will serve as a guide for you. Also, with its help you can quickly solve any issue you can encounter when writing a paper.
How to Write a Problem Statement for Research: Step-By-Step Guide
How to write a good problem statement? Most importantly, it should help you better understand full meaning and context of an issue. Better make sure you don't miss anything at the start of your project.
We have prepared this quick guide on writing good approach to an issue. Let us explain it in detail. Help with research paper writing is there for you always.
Step 1. Offer Background in Your Problem Statement
Begin writing a problem statement by examining background of selected issue. Depending on the type of your research, focus on its practical or theoretical aspects. For practical issue, explain who or what is affected by this process. Tell what attempts have been made to find some solution. For theoretical one, explain what is already known about an issue from credible sources. Tell whether it is limited to any certain geographic location or period of time.
Second, give it some context. Explain how this particular issue stands in a way of different processes. You may even explain those processes! After all, it is way easier for readers to sympathize with topic if they understand it.
Step 2. Explain Why the Problem Statement Matters
Statement of the problem should provide clear arguments for relevance of an issue. Unless it is obvious from context, you need to start with clear answers to questions like these:
- Is your problem connected to some other important ones?
- Which direct or indirect consequences can this issue bring for society, economics or environment?
- What can happen if it is not solved?
- What benefits can be gained by solving it?
- Will solving an issue contribute to better understanding of related area(s)?
Step 3. Find Effective Approaches in Your Problem Statement
Next step is exploring your possibilities given the context. Science project problem statement should determine the paths you are going to take with your research.
Your approaches may:
- Address the aspects that make the heaviest impact and, therefore, need to be solved as soon as possible.
- Investigate connection with similar issues to find whether other solutions could be applied to this one.
- Explore the solutions suggested by other researchers if any are available.
Step 4. Show Research Objectives in Your Problem Statement
A statement of the problem in research paper should provide full description of your aim and objectives. The aim is typically not only about finding some solution. It examines the factors causing the issues and sets the research strategy.
The following objectives can be used:
- Research methodology to identify different aspects of an issue and relations between factors.
- Research activities you perform to collect necessary data.
- Mathematical or statistical operations to measure the data you have collected.
Problem Statement Examples
We have prepared an example of problem statement in a research paper for your convenience. Jow to write my research papers? Keep in mind that you need to focus on composing proper structure of your report for maximum efficiency.

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Writing a Problem Statement: Final Thoughts
Today we have provided you with a quick guide on how to write a problem statement. Feel free to use it for your own research ideas.
Frequently Asked Questions About Writing a Problem Statement
1. What is a good problem statement?
A good problem statement should provide clear definition of an issue at the beginning. You must include clear and concise explanation of its context. Also, add some absolute or relative measurements that quantify that gap. However you should not focus on possible causes or specific solutions at this stage.
2. Where do you put a problem statement in a research paper?
A problem statement in a research paper is to be put after thesis and research questions. Its purpose is to provide more details about specific area around your topic that is described in the thesis and to explain your objectives to show how you will obtain answers to the research questions.
3. What is the significance of a problem statement in a research paper?
A problem statement plays an important role in your research as it organizes the information you initially have about your subject. The purpose is to introduce the reader to the importance of the topic being studied. Besides, it helps you find appropriate ways to conduct the research and find the answers.
4. How long should a problem statement be in research proposal?
In problem statement you'd usually need 1 page to explain an issue your process improvement project will address. Depending on which format your tutor or your institution recommends, it also may include your approaches and your objectives. List of three or four items is enough for each of these two elements.
Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.
To formulate a problem statement for a quantitative study you can consider any situation that needs further investigation with a focus on numerical data. For example, if you are studying homelessness in a neighborhood, your problem statement may sound like this:
"This research aims to investigate the cause of increased homelessness in region X. Quantitative methods will be applied to gain a more comprehensive understanding of this issue."
A research problem is any issue or phenomena that needs to be researched. That said, a research problem statement specifies an issue that needs to be improved. Meanwhile, a research question is a particular question coming from a problem and needs to be answered.
Financial costs is an optional section in a research problem statement. However, if your study requires some serious expenses or financial support, you can mention this in your statement. Good luck!
The teaching and learning of mathematics, iam stuck
Try to start your problem statement by highlighting the general importance or relevance of the topic. For example:
The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning of mathematics has become increasingly prevalent. Understanding the effects of ICT implementation in mathematics education is crucial for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders in ensuring effective and innovative learning environments.
After that, you need to identify a specific problem. Consider how this technology will impact student learning outcomes and enagagement. If there is a gap in current literature, emphasize the need for further investigation.