How to cite twitter in APA style? That is a good question! The majority of students already know how to cite a book in APA or website, but internet sources draw more questions. Do you even need to reference someone’s tweet? First of all, yes, you do. Second of all, it does not differ much from referencing other types of information. You still have to give credit to the respective author. So to know more about this format, continue reading! We have included examples in case you need instant college essay help.
How to Cite a Tweet APA
So how to cite a Twitter post in APA? It is much easier than it might seem. First of all, we should establish why we would even cite someone’s words from social media. It is simple: everything you have not said yourself should be credited. Thus, things you have retrieved from the internet or any content should be documented as not your own. The same goes for all social media posts:
Reference | Author name, Initials [@username]. (Year, Month Day). Text of tweet [Tweet]. Twitter. URL |
In-text citation | (Last Name, Year) |

APA Twitter Citation by a Group Author
Citing twitter APA can sometimes be tricky. For example, there are certain cases when you don't have one single author, meaning a person who wrote your post. But format knows what to do in this case. What should one do in case one has a group author? How can one cite that source? Here is an easy guide from our term paper writing service you can follow:
Reference | Name of the organization [@username]. (Year, Month Day). Text of tweet [Tweet]. Twitter. URL |
In-text citation | (Last Name, Year) |

Citing Twitter APA: Multimedia Content
How to cite twitter in APA if your post contains more than simple text? Sometimes one will notice that an author attaches something like an image or a video to their post. To add that to your reference, one can follow the format down below. But in simple terms: you need to add extra retrieved material before [Tweet]. Like so: [Image attached]. [Tweet].
Reference | Author name, Initials [@username]. (Year, Month Day). Text of tweet [Image attached]. [Tweet]. Twitter. URL |
In-text citation | (Last Name, Year) |

APA: Cite Twitter Moment
What happens when you have to cite Twitter APA, and it is a moment? We are all used to posts, as we covered that already. But moments must be cited as well. In your writing, everything must be referenced. But our format will not differ much. Here you should only state that you are citing a moment in square brackets [Moment]. Still, our example from our college paper writers is attached down below:
Reference | Name of the organization (Or Surname and initials) [@username]. (Year, Month Day). Text of your moment [Moment]. Twitter. URL |
In-text citation | (Name of organization, Year) |

APA Citation for Twitter Profile
How to cite a Twitter account APA? Here is where it might get tricky. First and foremost, don't forget to add "n.d." (no date) because we have no such information. Plus, include a retrieval date because the contents of the profile can change from the moment you saw it last. Otherwise, your citation will look similar. You will still have a username and similar specific details. The same goes for other social media accounts.
Here is our standard format:
Reference | Author name, Initials [@username]. (n.d.). Tweets [Social media profile]. Twitter. Retrieved (date), from URL |
In-text citation | (Last Name, n.d.) |

Looking for how to cite a PowerPoint in APA? You are in the right place. We have the whole blog dedicated to this topic.
How To Cite a Tweet APA: Final Thoughts
Look at that! We now know everything there is about APA Twitter citation. You can cite posts, moments, profiles, and so much more. This style is now at your command. Thus, from now on, retrieval of sources and references will not be a big deal.

If you still struggle to use references or citations, our service is always here to help with ‘write paper for me’ order. Our writers do an excellent job sticking to your deadlines and providing wonderful quality of work.
Emma Flores knows all about formatting standards. She shares with StudyCrumb readers tips on creating academic papers that will meet high-quality standards.