Formatting Guides

How to Cite a Short Story in MLA: Fast Way to Cite Your Favourite Stories

How to Cite a Short Story MLA
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When writing an academic essay, you can use various sources of information, inclusding short stories. 

To cite a short story in MLA format in your Works Cited, include the author's name, title of the short story in quotation marks, title of the collection or anthology in italics, name(s) of the editor(s), publisher, and year of publication. In-text, include the author's last name and page number(s) in parentheses after the quotation or paraphrased information. If the short story was accessed online, add the URL and date of access to the Works Cited entry.

Works Cited entry format

Author's Last NameFirst Name. "Title of Short Story." Title of Collection or Anthology, edited by Editor's First and Last NamePublisherYear of Publication, pp. page range.

Works Cited entry example

Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Tell-Tale Heart." The Norton Anthology of American Literature, edited by Nina Baym, W.W. Norton & Company, 2016, pp. 287-291.

In-text citation format 

(Author's Last NamePage Number)

In-text citation example 

(Poe 288)

There are several versions of short story citations depending on the source it is retrieved from.  Keep reading this article by our college essay service to see general structure for each citation along with practical examples.

Why Do You Need a Short Story MLA Citation?

Short story MLA citation is pretty useful! This material contains a brief and accurate plot with in-depth quotations and ideas that you can cite. But often, students ask themselves if they actually should include them cited within their work. And we absolutely encourage you to take advantage of it and provide an accurate citation of short stories.

Each humanities work is rendered by MLA style specifically created for citation within this area. Additionally, it provides particular format rules each student should stick to.

MLA Short Story Citation: Printed Edition

MLA citation for short story involves entry elements incorporated within Works Cited and in-text citation. Short stories are typically gathered in a printed book or journal that should be cited too. Accordingly, such information as author and editor names, published date, title, and book/ journal title is presented within Works Cited. Keep following the next sections and learn applicable formulas.

How to Cite a Short Story in a Book in MLA

MLA citation short story in book discloses the principles of citing it from a book collection containing print information. Thus, more than a tale's title should be provided in the reference list and somehow within a text of paper. The general formula of bibliography is as follows:

Works Cited

Author Name (Surname, First Name). “Title” (in parentheses). Book Title (in italics), edited by Editor Name, Publisher, Year, Pages (p. for single page, pp. for a range of pages).

In-text citation

(Author Surname Page)


MLA Short Story in a Book citation example

If your story is not short and it is a Shakespeare masterpiece, for example, do not worry. Go to our library and find a blog about MLA citing Shakespeare

How to MLA Cite a Short Story in a Journal

On the other hand, such a source is often searched in journals, and you should provide a short story from a journal in MLA. An entry structure is quite the same with a difference in Journal Title. Thus, the general format looks like this:

Works Cited

Author Name (Surname, First Name). “Title.” Journal Title, Date (Day Month Year) Volume (in pages).

In-text citation

(Author Surname Page)


How to Cite a Short Story in a Journal in MLA Example

If you need to cite journal article MLA, follow another guide. We prepared a special blog that will help you with this kind of citation.

MLA Citation for Short Story: Online Edition

Many sources are available in the network environment, and you can cite a short story online MLA. It is very convenient as you mustn't go to libraries and look for printed books. This way, the formula is different in some entry elements like website name and URL address. Accordingly, the general structure takes the following look:

Works Cited

Surname, First Name. “Title”. Website Name, Date (Day Month Year), URL.

In-text citation

(Author Surname)


How to Cite an Online Short Story in MLA Example

It is a good idea to cite an interview in your work. Fortunately, we have a special well-detailed blog. It explains how to cite an interview MLA.

Final Thoughts on Citing a Short Story in MLA

Whatever relevant information you find for your writing, now you know how to cite a short story MLA. You shouldn't limit yourself in sources because you don't know how to deal with a citation. Our article is created for you to succeed in your academic performance and help to provide quality work. MLA style is perfect for writing essays and citing short stories you find necessary to include within your paperwork. 

Do you have questions about citing other sources?

Check out our essay writing website for worthy insights! Our academic assistants will help you with anything, from simple advice to writing essays for you.

Article posted on:Dec 2, 2022
Article updated on:Jan 26, 2025


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