If you are reading this article, then you obviously want to know what an APA appendix is. But how do you deal with it? What does it include? How can you create and format it in the first place? Learn how to properly label your sources from different texts and media in one APA format paper.
In this article you will find all the information you need, without reaching out to other online sources. Let's get started!
When Should I Do an Appendix
Prior to creating an appendix, you should ask yourself if you should do it at all. If your data fits in your paper's body, then appendices are not needed. But if an additional information is too large, we suggest that you resort to making an addition to your work. Same goes if it will interrupt the flow of your text, or if it has any useful supplement.
For example, if you created a survey, then you can include the results in an appropriate part of your work. This will allow you to leave the rest of information to your addition. Mention it in main paper's body, and you're golden.
Make sure that information you put is relevant, though. Don't turn it into a useless dump: it shouldn't confuse a reader, but help them in getting an additional insight.
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Appendix APA: Overview
APA appendix is not just a section of a work that includes all the information that didn't fit in a work itself, but a section that must follow strict formatting rules. Keep them in mind when you create your own!
- You can have several appendices.
- Grant your appendices their own separate page for each.
- And a title, for which you should use a title case.
- One appendix can be labeled just so; if they are several, name them Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.
- Center the label at the top of a page, and a title - on a page under it.
- You can use citations. Make in text citation APA and include all sources in your main reference section.
- You can include figures, subfigures and tables with their own short italicized explanatory title.
- Use parenthetical citations if you want to refer to it in text.
- Don't forget to include all appendices in the table of contents.
APA Appendix Format
The time has come to learn an appropriate appendix APA format. It is not as scary as it seems, though: just follow the basic rules of formatting. They usually specify font and font size, spacings and size of margins. Observe:
- Choose your font and stick to it. Preferably it is 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Calibri.
- Double-space your text.
- Indent all your paragraphs on the first line.
- Don't forget to number your pages. They should continue the numbering of your paper.
APA Appendix Example
All this talk is good and informative, but what is it without an appendix example in APA? We know that sometimes it is easier to comprehend presented information with a nice visual. Remember, that you can easily put letters, tables, questionnaires, interview transcripts and a lot more. Make it great! And check out our example.

An Appendices: Organizing and Labeling
When dealing with appendices, there are truly just a handful of rules you should remember. As we mentioned before, you should label your appendix as Appendix, if it is the only one you have. If there are multiple, name them Appendix A, Appendix B, and so on according to the English alphabet.
Whether you have tables, figures or subfigures, you should always give them a brief description. It must be italicized, as to avoid confusion with the rest of the (possible) text. Make it brief - no one wants to read a huge explanation, when it can be easily summarized in a few words.
Lastly, remember to present and label your appendices in the order they are referred to in the main text.
Maybe you are looking for APA results section, we have the whole blog dedicated to this topic.
APA Appendix: Bottom Line
Formatting your appendix in APA style is a pretty easy ordeal, once you get a hang of it. General guidelines, provided by the 7th edition, are simple, as not to confuse you, dear reader. We hope that our article was of a good aid to you and wish you good luck on your future writing!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Appendix APA
1. Where do appendices go in an APA Style paper?
As a rule, APA appendices are put at the very last pages of your paper. It doesn't really matter how many sections in your main text you have - an appendix will always be at the end of it. Usually it goes right after the reference list.
2. Do I need to number my appendices in APA Style?
Yes, you absolutely need to number your appendices in APA style! If there are multiple of them, you must label them as "Appendix A", "Appendix B", and so on. But if you only have one, leave it as is and don't add any lettered numbering to it.
3. Does appendix go before or after references in APA?
Knowing whether the appendix goes before the references APA can greatly help at the end of your writing, when all that's left is placing everything in the correct order. Short answer is yes, it does. Especially so, if your paper does not contain tables, figures, or footnotes.
4. How do you reference an appendix in APA 7?
Referencing an appendix in APA 7 is no different than doing so in other editions of this formatting style. Use parenthetical citations in your paper's body and reference an appendix with a capital letter. Add lettered numbering if there are multiple appendices.
Emma Flores knows all about formatting standards. She shares with StudyCrumb readers tips on creating academic papers that will meet high-quality standards.