When doing medical research and leveraging additional sources, all useful materials should be presented on AMA reference page.
The AMA (American Medical Association) reference page is a section at the end of a research paper or article that compiles all the sources referenced within the body. It follows specific guidelines outlined by the AMA Manual of Style. The reference page includes detailed information about each source, such as author(s), work title, publication date and other essential details.
Keep browsing our guide, and you will find out the principles of formatting a reference list in AMA style.
AMA Citation: Reference Page
AMA style reference list is crucial in any kind of writing. Whether it is an article to a journal or a complete thesis under publication. In addition, whatever investigation you carry out in medicine and science, you will look for extra sources to get into the niche your research is based on.
Therefore, AMA reference style is used to cite supplementary materials within a text and on a reference page provided at the end of work. Particular quotations, theories, or results of certain surveys should be cited in the body of work. They are given in an appropriate format and order. On reference page, all cited sources are listed in the order they are mentioned within a text. This makes AMA citation format different from other citation styles.
AMA Format: Reference Page
AMA reference page format helps arrange used materials in a proper way. It is not challenging but requires grasping some simple rules. But we encourage you to check with your instructor or assignment guidelines before getting started with citation. Here are main tips for AMA paper format:
- Margins This parameter should be kept towards a complete work, including reference page. Adhere to one-inch margins on all sides.
- Fonts Typically, AMA style requires a 12-point font. Also, it involves using serif typeface, that is Times New Roman.
- Line spacing As a rule, all units of the paper body are single-spaced. Only double space between sections and paragraphs.
- Indents The first line of each paragraph is indented half-inch.
- Page numbers All pages of work are numbered in the upper right corner, including title page.
- Page headers whether sectional or subsectional, should be left-aligned. In section it is bold, but in subsection, it is italicized.
Additionally, title “References” should be centered at the top.
AMA Reference Format: Authors
AMA references can incorporate various materials with a versatile research background provided by different numbers of authors. According to this, a writer should follow citation instructions paying attention specifically to a number of authors. Furthermore, when citing a source with authors or editors, it is necessary to stick to the following rules:
- Single Author Here everything looks simple: mention Surname and Initials (InIn) without a period between.
- Multiple Authors up to 3 Thus, it is necessary to point all authors according to the previous rule.
- More than 3 Authors Here, it is required to mention the first three authors and use “et al” in the end.
- Group/Organization Author Instead of precise names of authors, a group name is used.
- Author/Authors and a Group First, the names of authors are presented due to the structure “Surname InIn”. Depending on the number of authors or editors, it will be given in the order mentioned in the previous points. After the list of authors, for or and are placed before a Group name is displayed.
- No Author When citing a source that does not have an author, you should start reference with the next entry element Journal/ Book/ Website Title.
When arranging authors/ editors, two punctuations are applied. A comma between names, a period after the last Author’s name, “et al” and a Group. When using a Group Author, a semicolon is pointed before additional for or and.
AMA Reference List: Title
Another important issue is how do you include an authors title in an AMA reference. The first requirement is to retain original spelling, abbreviations, and capitalization provided by respective authors. Once you notice its original edition, it should be reflected in the same way in your citation. If no original capitalization is available, then look over the following points:
- For titles of journal articles and parts of books, capitalize only the first letter of each word, proper names, and abbreviations.
- Names of journals are usually italicized.
- For names of books and government bulletins, documents, and pamphlets, capitalize the first letter of each major word and initialize names. An exception concerns prepositions of three or fewer letters, to in infinitives, and coordinating conjunctions (for, and, or, etc.) in titles. A two-letter verb is capitalized (Is).
AMA Reference Page Example
Summing up information mentioned above, we will provide you with an AMA sample reference page. Taking into account a format of an entire page and details of the data cited, here are some examples for better understanding.

Final Thoughts on AMA Style Reference Page
Every potential source relevant to your research is worth being included to reference list AMA. It shows your zeal to delve into the subject and look into related materials as much as possible. That is an excellent approach in conducting an investigation and preparing the whole paperwork.
But there is another technical side kept in producing your data on paper. Formatting is an essential part of writing. It is advisable to follow it from the very beginning: set up margins, line spaces, font, and page numbers. Moreover, it is important to provide respective AMA citation formats through capitalization, italicization, and punctuation for references. Thus, it will take less time for editing and lead to meeting the deadlines.

If you doubt the correctness of references you provide in your work, you can always hire an online paper writer. So follow us and receive clear instructions on citation.
Emma Flores knows all about formatting standards. She shares with StudyCrumb readers tips on creating academic papers that will meet high-quality standards.
AMA style is a variation of Vancouver system that is why AMA same as Vancouver in many things. It is used by the Journal of AMA and other publications by AMA.
To cite a medical book, we encourage you to use AMA style. It is mostly applied in medical sciences and provides a numerical system of citation. Keep in mind to input it in reference list and then refer to it in a text.